CoKL Draft Official Plan

The latest version of the Draft Official Plan is available on the CoKL’s website for review. You can get to the page by clicking here. In addition to the main document, you’ll find supporting “schedules” that provide detailed information, including many maps. The Plan includes a short section on “Special Policies for Sturgeon Point” (section 19.8, page 68). 

 The Official Plan will be legally adopted by the CoKL early in 2010 and establishes the city’s policies for development and land use for many years to come. The Official Plan development process is an open and transparent one (one hopes, anyways), and is subject to public input. There have been several hearings to accomodate this process and there will be at least one more, probably in January.

Anyone with an interest in the City’s affairs and how they might affect Sturgeon Point, including issues such as land zoning policies and the designation of  lands as environmentally sensitive or not, and many other related issues, would be strongly advised to take a look at the plan and attend the meetings.

A short article about the recent events in this process was published in the Lindsay Post in November. You can read it here. Updates on any further public hearings will be posted here as soon as they are announced by the CoKL.

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