
SPA 2024 Membership


Please fill out the information in the fields below.  Here are a few pointers:

  • Include the name(s) of each individual member that is being registered by clicking the "Add More Attendees" button (Attendees actually means Members);
  • Only members 18 years old and over have voting rights at the annual AGM;
  • Please include each member's email address so that all members are included on our email distribution list;
  • If you are a full time resident, enter your Sturgeon Point address as your home address.

The Sturgeon Point Association asks that any adult member of your household (age 18+) be included in the annual membership fee.  The money collected through memberships and donations is used to support the Trust Lands and for social events in the community.  Photos are taken at all social events.  Please note that your photo may be posted on our website and social media (without tags).

Do you own more than one property?  Please consider purchasing additional membership(s) or making a donation. Particularly if you utilize Trust Lands (Leaf Dump, Public Beach, Playground & Upper Wharf).

Once you're done, click on the "Submit" button.  You'll then have a chance to confirm your information.  Once confirmed, you will need to make payment via an e-transfer to [email protected] or cheque.  Details are listed on the payment page.

If you would like to make a donation to Sturgeon Point Association, then you can click the donation button at the end of the renewal process.  Donations are not currently eligible for a tax receipt.

Thank you for contributing to your community!

We are sorry but registration for this event is now closed.

Please contact us if you would like to know if spaces are still available.