The Good Ol Hockey Game…..

The good old hockey game!
Its the best game you can name!

It is that time of year to sharpen your blades, tape your sticks and pray for soft landings, the days and times for our annual shinny and skating have been booked!

Here are the dates, times, & places:

Friday, Dec 28: 4-6 PM – Fenelon Falls Arena (the new one!), 27 Veterans Way
Saturday, Dec 29:  2-4 PM – Fenelon Falls Arena, 27 Veterans Way
Sunday, Dec 30: 11AM-1 PM – Bobcaygeon Arena, 51 Mansfield Dr.

For those of you who haven’t participated before, we use 2/3′s of the rink for shinny and 1/3 for recreational skaters, little ones and UN observers. We play 5 minute periods split between younger skaters (roughly 12 and under) and the rest of the motley crew. This keep the little ones out of harms way and the old guys get a break every five minutes to catch their breath.

Please share them with anyone you think that might be interested in joining in the fun and games.

This a great deal, just $20 for families $10 for singles / day.

Having seen the pace of play in years gone by, we recommend the use helmets for one and all. Trust me you won’t be the only one out there sporting protection.

See you on the ice.

Special thanks goes out to Larry Thomas who has been instrumental in the organization of this fun event each year.

More information can be found on our facebook page or calendar.

CoKL Heritage Plan

This week and next, the City of Kawartha Lakes are holding meetings to discuss the Heritage and Cultural Plan.  This includes discussing the heritage and cultural aspect of Sturgeon Point.

There will be representation from SPA at tonight’s meeting, but we are encouraging all to attend.  We apologize about the short notice, but we just have been informed about these meetings.


Help us identify the City of Kawartha Lakes’ Cultural Assets


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November 28, 2012 – The City of Kawartha Lakes with funding support from the Government of Ontario is undertaking a Cultural Master Plan and Mapping Inventory project. The purpose of the project is to leverage the rich cultural resources of the community to support planning and economic development, and to increase awareness of these resources for both residents and tourists.

Here is a blurb about these meetings from the City’s website:

The City of Kawartha Lakes with funding support from the Government of Ontario is undertaking a Cultural Master Plan and Mapping Inventory project. The purpose of the project is to leverage the rich cultural resources of the community to support planning and economic development, and to increase awareness of these resources for both residents and tourists.

The project is being undertaken in two phases. The first is a Cultural Mapping process aimed at identifying the rich and diverse cultural assets that exist across the City. A significant amount of research has been completed but we need YOUR input and knowledge to ensure we capture as complete an inventory as possible. Please participate by attending one of following three Cultural Mapping Forums.

Dec 4th 2012: 3:00PM – 5:00PM @ Victoria Park Armoury  – LINDSAY

Dec 5th 2012: 4:00PM – 6:00PM @ Fenelon Falls Community Centre – FENELON FALLS

Dec 10th 2012: 4:00PM – 6:00PM @ Bobcaygeon Service Centre – BOBCAYGEON