The third set of Public Information Centres (PICs) will be held in Lindsay on Wed., January 27th, and on Coboconk on Thur., January 28th. Both meetings start at 7:00 p.m. Note that there will be an open house on both days before the meetings, starting at 4:00 p.m. These meetings represent the public consultation component of the plan development. If you’re interested and able to attend, this is your opportunity. For details on the locations and the backgound, read the official notice by clicking here.
CoKL Growth Plan Strategy Public Meeting
The City is hosting meetings for public consultation on the Growth Plan Strategy and the Municipal Master Plan at two locations: The Coboconk Service Centre on December 9th and City Hall in Lindsay (Victoria Hall) on December 10th. There will be an open house starting at 4:00 p.m. at both locations, with the meeting starting at 7:00 p.m. You can read the details in the City’s Notice of Meeting.
The Growth Plan Strategy is ambitious: it provides a framework for growth in the City through to the year 2031. It deals directly with planned growth in the “urban” centres within the City: Lindsay, Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls and Omemee. The Plan will govern issues including infrastructure planning, transportation, waste management, urban form and natural heritage. While these issues clearly have an impact on the residents of the aforementioned urban areas, they will also affect those of us in the smaller communities (“hamlets”, to use the city planning jargon). Growth and waste management can have an impact on the local environment, including the quality of our lake water. And all of these issues are ultimately linked to our taxes.
If you are interested in these issues and have a chance to attend, please do so. These meetings are set up so that you can voice your concerns and opinions to protect your interests.
Please be aware of Local Fire Codes

Among summer’s favourite pastimes is time spent outdoors with friends and neighbours around a campfire. Here in Sturgeon Point there is a particular sensitivity to this issue because of the high density of old wooden cottages along our streets that would quickly succumb to a fire. The large number of mature pine and cedar trees are also vulnerable to open flames. The setting of open air fires is governed by the bylaws of the City of Kawartha Lakes. You can read a condensed version of these bylaws here. For the full blown, un-edited version of the bylaw you can click here. This is a serious issue that can affect all of us and deserves our attention. We encourage you to be aware of the local bylaws governing the setting of fires.